Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Acid Reflux Thick Mucus

Mucus is natural if your body makes too much of it, it might be a sign of a wide range of problems, including acid reflux, allergies, asthma, infections, or other conditions. Acid reflux thick mucus. Acid reflux and mucus mucus accumulation in the throat is a common symptom of acid reflux acid reflux after eating can occur with large meals it can also happen with spicy food and caffeine, which allow the band of muscle separating the stomach and esophagus to relax and open.

acid reflux thick mucus

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Mucosal lining of the throat swells up and constantly produces thick, sticky mucus, in an attempt to protect itself from the acid the patient feels as if something is constantly sticking in the throat. Webmd explains laryngopharyngeal reflux, sometimes called ''silent reflux,'' which causes backup of stomach acid into the throat and larynx and is common in infants. learn more about its causes. There are a number of health conditions that can trigger excess mucus production, such as: acid reflux; allergies; asthma; infections, such as the common cold; lung diseases, such as chronic.

more info acid reflux thick mucus---> click here