Sunday, July 31, 2022

Acid Reflux Pills While Pregnant

Over-the-counter (otc) antacids can be very helpful pregnant moms can also take some of the otc pills that decrease stomach acid but talk to your ob or midwife before beginning an otc med like tagamet to treat acid reflux. Acid reflux pills while pregnant. To reduce heartburn during pregnancy without hurting your baby, drinking large amounts while eating may increase the risk of acid reflux and heartburn otc drugs for heartburn.

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Heartburn Pills, Pregnancy, and Childhood Asthma | Health ...

Recurring bouts of acid reflux (or heartburn) during pregnancy is very common because the higher levels of estrogen and progesterone cause the lower esophageal sphincter to weaken and allow stomach acid to splash into the esophagus furthermore, the growing baby puts pressure on the stomach and pushes digestive acid into the esophagus — sort of like a "double whammy" effect for pregnant women. Causes. acid reflux occurs because of the valve`s defective closure separating the stomach`s inferior esophagus. the disease is produced when relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter happens at a moment that is inappropriate (different times then when swallowing food) and then it remains open for a long period of time. typically, the sphincter opens for a couple of seconds during swallowing.. Many pregnant women get heartburn, sometimes referred to as acid indigestion or acid reflux.this condition is generally harmless, but it can be very uncomfortable. fortunately, most cases can be safely treated with over-the-counter remedies, along with simple diet and lifestyle changes.for those who need them, some prescription heartburn medications are also considered safe to take during.

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