Sunday, July 17, 2022

Leaving Acid Reflux Untreated

Hence, when we speak of untreated acid reflux disease, we are not talking about easing the symptoms, but of eliminating the root cause of the disease itself otherwise you may encounter many serious complications like ulcers, narrowing of the oesophagus, bleeding from the oesophagus and in rare cases even oesophageal cancer. Leaving acid reflux untreated. Silent acid reflux is a serious medical condition which, when left untreated, can harm the body in unimaginable ways whereas similar in symptomatology with gerd, lpr is a disorder of its own enough pieces of information on its manner of action are provided to the general public.

leaving acid reflux untreated

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Blog Entries – A Better Health Plan

Occasional reflux symptoms are typically not a cause for concern, but having daily or even weekly symptoms can result in repeated exposure of the lower part of your esophagus to erosive stomach acid if left untreated, this chronic exposure of stomach acid can lead to a number of problems, including ulcers, strictures, daily pain or discomfort. If left untreated for many years, constant acid reflux can cause precancerous changes in cells, a condition known as barrett’s esophagus. the condition does not cause symptoms, but a doctor can. Barrett’s esophagus is a common ailment when acid reflux has gone untreated. this results when the lining of the esophagus has suffered quite a bit of damage. as a result of so much acid in there is begins to eat away at this protective lining. this is a very rare condition that is diagnosed in individuals with untreated gerd..

more info leaving acid reflux untreated---> click here