Acid reflux and anxiety: learning body-mind connections anxiety is defined as “the natural response to stress”, and depending on the duration, it may become a true anxiety disorder this happens when anxiety lasts for several months, and, more important, it impairs the normal quality of life. Acid reflux stress anxiety. Stress, coupled with exhaustion, may present even more body changes that lead to increased acid reflux regardless of what exactly happens in the brain and the body, those who experience symptoms.
acid reflux stress anxiety
There are theories that anxiety can slow digestion, increase stomach acid, or result in increased muscle tension that can put pressure on the stomach another possibility or contributing factor may be that when people are anxious they tend to engage in behaviors that may trigger or worsen acid reflux, like smoking, drinking alcohol, or eating. Gerd and anxiety can cause a number of different symptoms, though there are a few that both conditions seem to have in common. gi issues, such as heartburn, nausea, and stomach pain are common. Anxiety may also slow down digestion, leading to similar issues with food moving down the esophagus. stress can also affect your hormones and your body's efficiency. thus, many people with anxiety may have a lower esophageal sphincter (the sphincter that controls acid reflux) that works improperly as a result of anxiety..