Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Acid Reflux Medication Dangers

Although ppis and other acid-blocking drugs are generally safe and well tolerated, they do have some potentially serious side effects rebound hyperacidity syndrome if you take an anti-reflux medication for more than a few weeks and then stop taking it, the acid-producing cells in your stomach may suddenly become hyperactive and pour out more. Acid reflux medication dangers. As you can see, taking ppis or h2 blockers is akin to throwing the baby out with the bathwater: reducing the much-needed stomach acid (baby) in an attempt to reduce the symptoms of heartburn, acid reflux, and gerd (bath water) risks of acid-reducing drugs in addition to the fact that taking ppis and h2 blockers do not fix the real cause of.

acid reflux medication dangers

The Dangers of Taking PPIs for Acid Reflux - Tonic

The dangers of taking ppis for acid reflux - tonic

5 Complications of Antacids - Josh Gitalis

Side effects of acid reflux medication taking the medicines, as mentioned earlier for a long time, may expose you to some other ailments antacid contains substances that can cause constipation, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. Symptoms such as heartburn are the key to the diagnosis of acid reflux disease, especially if lifestyle changes, antacids, or acid-blocking medications help reduce these symptoms..

more info acid reflux medication dangers---> click here