Friday, April 9, 2021

Acid Reflux Symptoms Wiki

Heartburn, also known as pyrosis, cardialgia or acid indigestion, is a burning sensation in the central chest or upper central abdomen the discomfort often rises in the chest and may radiate to the neck, throat, or angle of the arm heartburn is usually due to regurgitation of gastric acid (gastric reflux) into the esophagus and is the major symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (gerd. Acid reflux symptoms wiki. Acid reflux occurs when the sphincter muscle at the lower end of your esophagus relaxes at the wrong time, allowing stomach acid to back up into your esophagus this can cause heartburn and other signs and symptoms frequent or constant reflux can lead to gastroesophageal reflux disease (gerd).

acid reflux symptoms wiki

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Acid Reflux Heartburn Atypical Gerd Symptoms

Understanding acid reflux acid reflux is a gastrointestinal condition involving the regurgitation of stomach contents back up the esophagus patients experience a host of symptoms including coughing, feeling of something being stuck in the throat, and difficulty swallowing. Acid reflux is a fairly common condition that occurs when stomach acids and other stomach contents back up into the esophagus through the lower esophageal sphincter (les). the les is a muscular. Symptoms such as heartburn are the key to the diagnosis of acid reflux disease, especially if lifestyle changes, antacids, or acid-blocking medications help reduce these symptoms..

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